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Our Believe TV/Film Directory

Want to work with us to make Godly TV and Film? Register below to join our Directory.

Directory Members get first notice and the first shot for Cast and Crew opportunities in our upcoming productions. 

Let's create awesome stuff together! Join us! 

Give us call or Whatsapp at 490-2264 or scroll down to learn more!


*** Register to our Directory as a Founding Member and get your first 3 months of Membership absolutely free ***

Enjoy our Believe TV/Film Directory completely FREE for 3 months!

  • Registering now secures our special Founding members price of just TT$250/year (normally TT$500) if you choose to continue after the first year

  • The Annual Membership Fee only becomes due if you want to continue with us after that.

  • Please call or Whatsapp us at 490-2264 if you need any assistance.

Who do you have phone service with?
Would you like us to contact you via Whatsapp?
Have you ever worked on a film before? (Please select all that apply)
Which production role would you to prefer to work as? (Please select all that apply)
Which type of Films do your prefer to work on? (Please select all that apply)
Which type of TV Shows do you prefer to work on? (Please select all that apply)
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